Elevating your Leadership in 2013

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As the new year begins and before they are drawn into the routine of their day to day working life, effective leaders step back from the busyness of the New Year and ask themselves 3 essential questions.   iStock_000013075147XSmall

1.  Where am I going in 2013?

This includes exploring where they want to be by the end of 2013 (Vision), why that is important (Purpose) and how they will achieve this (Strategy).

2.  Do I have the talent needed to make this happen?

Effective leaders understand who the people are that need to be nurtured or developed to achieve or even exceed the workplace goals. They have a plan to manage or acquire the talent they need.

3.  What development do I need to make this happen?

Effective leaders want to expose their blindspots and continually grow as leaders.  They use a S.E.L.F™ checklist.

  • Am I up to date on the latest Science around leadership?

Brain science research shares what the leader needs to do to optimise brain matter.

  • Is my Emotional intelligence (self awareness, self regulation, self direction) where I need it to be?

85-90% of the difference between outstanding and average leaders is linked to Emotional Intelligence.

  • Is my Lifestyle balanced and am I putting first things first?

We know from the research that optimal performance occurs through a process of integration between the mind, body and spirit/purpose.

  • Will I be able to sustain my Focus to succeed?

Focus is often divided and distracted due to constant busyness.  Effective leaders have strategies to maintain their focus, attention and energy.

Melissa Donaldson

