EQ Mind partners with CEOs, HR, executive teams and leaders within organisations on business performance and change strategies. We take a “whole of business” perspective as we look to understand an organisation’s purpose, objectives, and performance needs. Using this information we provide support in the following areas:
We have a range of diagnostic tools to measure leadership, team and organisational climate. We measure what matters and have found that the best organisations perform well in the areas of; trust, motivation, execution, teamwork and change.
Our Vital Signs Model comes in three versions so that it can be used at the leader, team or organisational level.
We use the Six Seconds Model of Emotional Intelligence assessment (including a 360 assessment) to measure the leaders skills in self awareness, self management and self direction. Our model measures competencies in emotional literacy, pattern recognition, consequential thinking, navigating emotions, intrinsic motivation, optimism, empathy and noble goals/purpose.
Grounded in research and sound statistical analysis, our emotional intelligence assessments include on on-line survey, comprehensive report and individual debrief with a qualified coach. Assessment types include:
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