
Short Break Benefits 

Working  in 90 minute uninterrupted intervals followed by a short break (to relax the mind and body) leads to greater productivity.  (Ericsson, Florida State University)

Do you have an “in crowd”?  

Are you aware of who is in your inner circle? “Up to 90% of bosses treat some subordinates as though they were pare of an in-group, while they consign others to an out-group.” (HBR, Set-Up-To Fail Syndrome).   Members of the out-group feel neglected, marginalised and resentful.

Social Pain = Physical Pain

Social and Physical Pain Produce Similar Brain responses.

Neurosplasticity is real 

Neuroscience has shown that the brain is highly plastic.  Even the most entrenched behavious can be modified.

What creates threat responses?

When a leader triggers a threat response, employees’ brains become much less effeicient.  When leaders communicate clearly about their expectations, provide autonomy, show respect and are fair and equitable, a reward response is created in the brain.

The downside of uncertainty

People crave certainty. Not knowing what will happen requires extra neural energy which diminishes memory, undermines performance and disengages people.


Economic incentives are effective ONLY when people perceive them as supporting their social needs.

 The Perception of Fairness 

If an event is viewed as unfair, it generates a strong limbic system response which may create hostility, conflict and it undermines trust.

“The more tranquil a man becomes, the greater is his success, his influence, his power for good. Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom.” James Allen


When emotions become the dominant force and the quality of the ideas are taking a backseat, then feedback is given the wrong way
Jack Zenger, leadership consultant